
EU fund evaluation is carried out in order to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, usefulness and impact of EU fund investments on the Latvian economy and society.

Furthermore, EU fund evaluation provides evidence, based on the experience of the previous EU fund planning periods both in Latvia and other EU countries. Evaluation results allow to efficiently plan and carry out EU fund investments aimed at the growth of the national economy of Latvia, as well as to improve the EU fund investment quality, efficiency and relevance to the actual needs.

Evaluation function is carried out by the Ministry of Finance, sectoral ministries and the institutions responsible for co-ordination of horizontal principles.

The procedure by which the Ministry of Finance ensures evaluation is determined by the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers: "Nr. 770 Kārtība, kādā Eiropas Savienības fondu 2021.-2027. gada plānošanas periodā nodrošina ieguldījumu uzraudzību un izvērtēšanu, kā arī izstrādā un uztur Kohēzijas politikas fondu vadības informācijas sistēmu."

Information regarding agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development evaluation issues can be found by contacting the Ministry of Agriculture here.

EU Member State evaluation database  (administrated by European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy)