Aleksandr attends hippotherapy lessons

Aleksandr attends hippotherapy lessons

Central Finance and Contracting Agency

Aleksandr with his mummy Agnese attends the hippotherapy lessons on Wednesdays, where on horseback and under the supervision of a trainer he learns to gain confidence in himself by holding balance and performing various tasks on horseback, and, above all - receiving positive feelings.

Aleksandr's mom: “Aleksandr looks forward to attend every next lesson on horseback “The preparations is starting already on Monday, and then it's not too far until Wednesday, when we have to go to the therapy lessons.”

Alexander attends Hippotherapy lessons

At hippotherapy Aleksandr gets the psychological help he needs. On horseback, he needs to keep his balance and communicate with the horse. During the lesson, the therapist leads a horse with Aleksandr sitting on his back. He is given a variety of tasks, which Aleksandr needs to do. Riding on horseback is a positive adventure that also develops courage at the same time. A specially trained horse who can work with a therapist and children is used in the treatment.