With the support of EU funds, the organization Palidzesim.lv is organizing art therapy lessons for children with special needs to help improve their social skills and improve their emotional state.
The therapy motivates - it encourages certain actions that child avoids on a daily basis when it appears exhausting. Arts therapy can reduce emotional disorder, behavioural problems, it helps to overcome psychological difficulties. Also, arts therapy develops creativity and is a great way of entertainment, because when a child plays he can better express himself. Classes are also a place where parents and children can meet and talk, and even get new friends.
Art therapist Evita Dakse: "Arts therapy is suitable for all population groups - children, parents, seniors and young people. It helps to develop and improve, as well as to be aware of and deal with difficult situations in life. Art therapy also helps in the development of physical abilities, for example in cases of joint movement or motor problems."
Art therapy uses art and creative process in a therapeutic context to improve and promote the mental, emotional and physical well-being of children. In therapy, everyone is invited to draw their thoughts, feelings and needs, paint, create from clay or plasticine, assemble as a collage from images or find another appropriate type of artistic expression. Arts therapy uses both words and non-verbal manifestations in the form of various artistic activities. The creative process and its outcome, reflection, and also the conversation with the art therapist following the creative process, are important in therapy.
Art therapy takes place with the support of EU funds; the project BRĪVBRĪDIS and other projects are carried out by non-governmental organisations providing social services.