A modern study and research environment is created in the new Riga Technical University Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology building (FCSIT) which was co-financed by the European Union (EU) fund — students and scientists will have access to well-equipped laboratories, a research centre, computer rooms, spacious and bright classrooms. There are also comfortable places of recreation for students on each floor.
FCSIT is a leading research institute in Latvia in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning and software development and design technology. It works closely with the industry, engaging in research and development that is relevant to the economy. Students are also involved in collaborating with the industry, gaining the skills needed for the job market while providing companies with new problem-solving experience and a view of future users.
RTU faculty buildings are physically connected to each other by air passages, so that students, staff and RTU guests can easily move from one faculty to another. For example, from the FCSIT building you can easily access both the RTU Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry and the Faculty of Electrical and Environmental Engineering. This promotes networking between students and researchers from different faculties, enabling interdisciplinary research and innovation at RTU.
The work of RTU is based on science, as well as on a study process based on innovation and cooperation with the industry, which ensures the preparation of specialists necessary for the Latvian economy, thus serving as the basis for Latvia’s sustainable development.
The new faculty building and its infrastructure have been constructed with the funding of the European Regional Development Fund within the project “Development of Riga Technical University Engineering and Smart Technologies Centre Infrastructure in Smart Specialisation Areas” and “Development of Riga Technical University Infrastructure for Modernisation of STEM Study Programmes”.