With the support of the European Union, the Industry Day of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia - 2023 has been successfully completed

With the support of the European Union, the Industry Day of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia - 2023 has been successfully completed

Ministry of the Interior

Ambitious event - Industry Day of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia - 2023 has been successfully completed!

The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia provides with gratitude the Federation of Security and Defense Industries (DAIF), Citrus Solutions, research institutions, security business operators and representatives of the interior sector authorities for their participation!

"At a time in which the security situation in Latvia, the region and globally has changed significantly, this is the right time to exchange information on what is important for our industry, and what is what the industry is proud of - what our needs and ideas are, an offer from an industry where we can meet in our expansions and ambitions. It is also essential that the developments we are planning in the coming years are largely based on both additional funding from the State budget and funding from the European Union funds, thanks to which we are able to develop the capabilities and capacity of our services,” says Dimitrijs Trofimovs, State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia.

Also other leaders of the interior sector institutions noted the importance of innovation and digitization in strengthening internal security. Participants in the event were given a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the exposure of industry and research institutions on the backyard of the building complex of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia.

Industry Day of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia - 2023 was co-financed by the European Union.

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Look back on the successfully completed day of the Industry Day of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia - 2023. English subtitles.