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94.9 million lats of the EU funds re-distributed to socially sensitive sectors

94.9 million lats of the EU funds re-distributed to socially sensitive sectors

On Tuesday, July 28, the Government supported amendments to the European Union (EU) funds Operation Programme “Human Resources and Employment” Complement to re-distribute the financing for such socially sensitive sectors as vocation education, teacher competitiveness, employment and social integration.  

The financing re-distributed in amount of 94.9 million lats changed correspondingly the financing among priorities and measures. Additional financing allocated to vocational education in amount of 15 million lats, promotion of teacher competitiveness in amount of 20 million lats, social integration in amount of 14 million lats and employment measures in amount of 45.9 million lats. Amendments to the Operational Programme Complement developed according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers made on July 7 on amendments to the Operational Programme.

The sub-activity “Improving policy making, implementation and its impact assessment” has been changed also. In future, within the framework of this sub-activity analytical capacity of the public administration will be built in such fields as budget and finance policy, industries and service policy, entrepreneurship policy, public administration policy etc. The sub-activity changed to “Support for structural reform implementation and building analytical capacity in the public administration”. Within the framework of the sub-activity the public financing (European Social Fund and national) will be available in amount of 3.3 million.

The EU funding available within the Operational Programme “Human Resources and Employment” is 551 million euro or 12% of total European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund financing in amount of 4.53 billion euro available in the programming period 2007–2013.      

Information prepared by:
Agnese Beļkeviča
Press Division
Phone: 67083938

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