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EU funds investment policy – result-oriented

EU funds investment policy – result-oriented

On July 2–3, in Milzkalne, Engure Region, a meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Cohesion Policy European Union (EU) Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund 2014–2020 programming period was held. The most urgent issues associated with the implementation of the new 2014–2020 programming period and closing of the 2007–2013 programming period were discussed. Participants of the meeting discussed also experience obtained, results achieved and lessons taken into account to plan, launch and implement successfully the new EU funds programming period and implement effectively the investments available to Latvian in this period in amount of 4.4 billion euro.  

“By a narrower definition of the scope of priority axes in the operational programme “Growth and Employment” of the 2014­–2020 programming period we are focusing even more on solving particular problems that are important to the country and the society. In this EU funds investment period we are going to put more emphasis on weighted and justified investments, thus ensuring effective, sustainable and justified investment of financial resources with the main performance measure being the results achieved. This will be felt by each Latvian citizen,” noted Minister of Finance Jānis Reirs.

In order to launch a great deal of the project selection tenders and implementation of EU funds investments in the defined goals of the new programming period already this year, at the meeting of the Monitoring Committee a number of project application criteria developed by the EU funds responsible institutions were reviewed and approved. It means that in such sectors as infrastructure, education, entrepreneurship, information and communication technologies and others investments will begin in 2015. As a result of these investments the availability of the electronic communication infrastructure will be improved, integration of citizens at risk and disabled persons in the society will be facilitated, interaction between the public administration and private sector will be encouraged, support will be provided to companies for training of employees, as well as other investments will be made within the framework of the defined priory axes of the operational programme “Growth and Employment”.    

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) as a representative of the EU funds Managing Authority emphasized that in the new programming period responsible institutions will continue to pay particular attention to the combating of EU funds fraud and corruption in accordance with the developed EU Funds Fraud and Corruption Combating Action Plan. A representative of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (CPCB) introduced participants of the meeting with the process of development and approval of the CPCB’ Action Plan.  

A representative of the Ministry of Education and Science informed about the Smart Specialization Strategy and planned development of the Education Infrastructure Mapping. In order to develop the mapping a working group will be established consisting of representatives of ministries and NGOs. Its task will be to analyse and make decisions on effective distribution of EU funds financing allocated to educational institutions.

The MoF informed the Monitoring Committee about the contribution made by the investments of the 2007–2013 EU funds programming period to the Latvian economy and the level of welfare of Latvian citizens.

Undeniably, the Cohesion policy and EU funds investments are a very important part of the Latvian economic development strategy. In 2014, we have achieved a 2.4 %GDP growth. It is important to note that without EU funds it would be approximately 0.9 % less. Within the programming period more than 10 thousand long-term and more than 118 thousand short-term jobs have been created for Latvian citizens, considerable investments have been made to improve infrastructure and develop entrepreneurship. In the 2014–2020 programming period we have to achieve even more thus approaching the European average level of life,” notes Minister of Finance Jānis Reirs.

Within the framework of the meeting EU funds projects on-site visits were made. Participants of the meeting had an opportunity to get acquainted with a number of 2007–2013 projects implemented in Engure Region, including organic fertilizers production company SIA “Bioorganic Earthworm Compost”, SIA “Skonto Plan” metal components factory in Tukums, as well as other projects related to environmental arrangements and infrastructure improvements, solution of social problems, business development etc.

The EU funds Monitoring Committee has been established to ensure effective monitoring of EU funds implementation in compliance with the priorities and goals set in the operational programme. Meetings of the Monitoring Committee are attended by EU representatives, as well as representatives of public administration institutions, municipalities, planning regions, social partners and NGOs. 


Information prepared by:

Zaiga Puškina

Senior Expert of the Communication Department

Phone: 67095656,

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