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In the new EU funds programming period 2014–2020 EU funds projects will have new visual identity

In the new EU funds programming period 2014–2020 EU funds projects will have new visual identity 

On Tuesday, February 17, the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers (CoM) adopted a new CoM Regulation on the procedure for meeting communication and visual identity requirements in the implementation of European Union (EU) structural funds and Cohesion Fund during the EU funds programming period 2014–2020. 

The Regulation prescribes the procedure according to which the institutions involved in the administration of EU structural funds and Cohesion Fund, including the Ministry of Finance as the Managing Authority, line ministries as responsible institutions, as well as the only cooperation institution in the new programming period – the Central Finance and Contracting Authority, and beneficiaries of the European Union funds financing should publish information about European Union funds projects and ensure compliance with requirements for publicity, communication and visual identity of European Union funds. 

The most significant changes in the new programming period refer to the mandatory compliance with visual requirements. According to the CoM Regulation in the new programming period there will a requirement to ensure mandatory placement of a set of visual elements in every information and communication event; however, the requirement to use the EU funds logo of the EU funds programming period 2007–2013 will not be actual anymore. 

To make it easier for EU funds beneficiaries to comply with the requirement of placing mandatory visual elements for the programming period 2014–2020 a set of 3 visual elements has been designed:

  • logo of the EU flag with a reference “Eiropas Savienība” and a reference to the fund;

  • national identification sign with a reference to the National Development Plan 2014–2020;

  • slogan “Ieguldījums tavā nākotnē”.

In order to reflect our national financial contribution to the implementation of EU funds projects, a national identification sign and a reference to the National Development Plan 2014–2020 have been included in the mandatory set of visual elements. The national identification sign includes characteristic symbols of Latvia – stylized form of the Republic of Latvia in the colours of the Latvian flag – white and carmine. The white lane makes an association with a winding river, which despite various circumstances continues to flow, thus symbolizing continuous development of Latvia.  


Similarly to previous programming period, in addition to the CoM Regulation publicity guidelines will be developed for beneficiaries where explanations will be provided for the mandatory publicity requirements set by the European Commission for EU funds projects, use of the mandatory set of visual elements, as well as recommendations will be given for successful communication of EU funds. The publicity guidelines will be published on the website within one month after the CoM Regulation will become effective. 


Draft CoM Regulation is available on the CoM website.

Presentation of the set of mandatory visual elements is available here.

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