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Latvia insists on sufficient CAP funding and equalizing of direct payments at the EU Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries

Latvia insists on sufficient CAP funding and equalizing of direct payments at the EU Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries

Ministry of Agriculture

The Minister for Agriculture, Armands Krauze attended a meeting of the European Union (EU) Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries (Council) in Luxembourg on Monday 21 October, where, after lengthy and tense discussions between Member States, no agreement has been reached on the framework for the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2027.

The Minister for Agriculture Armands Krauze: "Although, after very tense discussions, Member States were very close to unanimously agreeing on the post-2027 position of the Council regarding   CAP, unfortunately on the issue of the still existing differences in direct payments receivable between Member States, they were unable to find a common position. We will continue to insist on the requirement that finally, after 20 years in the European Unity, all Member States should ensure equal support for direct payments, as the conditions and requirements to be met are the same for all Member States."

The draft conclusions on the CAP after 2027, discussed at the EU Council meeting addressed very important aspects for agriculture, including reducing administrative burdens, strengthening competitiveness, supporting small and young farmers, the need for research and innovation, etc. However, the original text did not emphasise the need to ensure adequate financing in the EU overall budget in line with the ambitious objectives set by the CAP, as well as Latvia's priority of equalizing of direct payments.

The Member States' position on the proposed conclusions varied sharply. Although they unanimously acknowledged that the adoption of conclusions and the Council position on the future of the CAP were necessary, there was no consensus on the financial aspects. Following intense discussions, EU Member States were unable to recognise the need to find solutions to persistent differences in Member States' direct payments after 2027.

In Q1 next year, the European Commission is expected to announce proposals for the CAP beyond 2027, as well as in the second half of next year - proposals for the EU multi-annual budget for the next seven-year programming period (2028-2034).

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