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Minister for Agriculture, Didzis Šmits: Transition to decarbonization of fisheries must be prepared by providing the industry with all the necessary support

Minister for Agriculture, Didzis Šmits: Transition to decarbonization of fisheries must be prepared by providing the industry with all the necessary support

Ministry of Agriculture

On Monday and Tuesday, July 17 and 18, the Minister for Agriculture, Didzis Šmits, in Vigo, Spain, participated in informal Council discussion of the EU Ministers for Fisheries on investments in sustainability of fisheries sector. The Minister emphasized that while moving towards the aim – decarbonization of fisheries, the EU must provide an adequate aid to ensure replacement of energy resources and decarbonization of fishery so that after these measures have been implemented Latvian fishery sector could maintain its competitiveness.

Didzis Šmits: “It is essential to do everything in a logic sequence. First of all, stability and viability of the sector must be achieved, ensuring that it is not dependent on constantly growing prices of fossil fuel. Only then comprehensive requirements and regulations may be adopted regarding decarbonization. Transition to decarbonization must be well-prepared, ensuring all the necessary support for fisheries so that EU, upon implementing the future policy, does not loose sectoral businesses and the sector itself.”

One of the main obstacles in achieving a replacement of energy resources is the lack of real alternatives as a specific character of construction and small dimensions of fishing vessels hamper investments in alternative energies, such as the use of hydrogen-powered engines. Whereas construction of new vessels is limited by capacity ceilings of fishing fleets, set by the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and by the lack of financial support for the renewal of the fishing fleet, as it is not provided by the current European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFF).

Spain holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the second half of 2023.

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