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MoES: Additional EU Funds’ support of 20 million euro for fostering the development of commercialisable research

To foster the development and progress of commercialisable applied research, which would ensure the long-term scientific development, national economic growth and global competitiveness of the State, within the scope of the European Union (EU) Funds’ Aid Scheme, additional allocation of more than 20 million euro will be provided - this is stipulated by the amendments to the regulations ratified by the government today, on 12 May 2020.

The allocation of the EU Funds is also significant to attract new postdoctoral scientists to the field of science and research.

Additional allocation of the EU Funds’ programme will ensure the implementation of the projects scoring high within the scope of Stage 3 of the Applied Research, but refused due to insufficient financing, providing for the possibility to develop commercialisable new products or technologies and would be directly able to foster the increase of the innovation capacity of Latvia.

The available financing from the EU Funds’ will provide for the possibility to implement Stage 4 of the Applied Research and to announce the selection of project proposals (project calls). The announcement of Stage 4 of the selection of project proposals is significant, in order to implement the research projects by 2023, resulting in the development of potentially commercialisable solutions.

The financing from the EU Funds’ programmes is a significant instrument to promote the development of the science-based and technology innovations, forming a significant element of the economic growth and competitiveness of the State. The available financing provides for the possibility to attract human capital to the research and innovation sector - scientists, engineers, and other high-level specialists. The development of the fields of research and innovation also promotes the motivation of youth to choose the studies of the STEM sectors in higher educational institutions of Latvia.

The available financing will ensure the possibilities for the scientific personnel, young researchers, applicants for an academic (scientific) degree and new scientists, who have planned to carry out research in the sectors relevant to national economy during the time period from 2020 till 2023.

The amendments to the regulations adopted by the government (in Latvian) are available on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

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