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More than 90% of Latvian citizens informed about the EU funds

More than 90% of Latvian citizens informed about the EU funds

According to the latest evaluation of the public opinion on the public awareness of the European Union (EU) funds acquisition in Latvia, 92.3% of Latvian citizens are informed about the availability of the EU funds. The comparison with opinion polls of previous years shows that currently the awareness level about the EU funds is the highest. Current awareness level is also by 20.9% higher than in December 2008.

Evaluation made in February 2010 shows than 57.5% of citizens think than the EU funds influence positively the Latvian economy and development, 36.7% of citizens assess the acquisition of these resources as successful. From the point of view of citizens, the EU funds have contributed the most to the arrangement of the roads and transport system and promotion of the employment. However in future more EU funds should be invested in the employment promotion and health and social care.

Most often people (45.6% of respondents) have heard about the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. However the most recognisable fund managed by the Ministry of Finances as the Managing Authority is the European Regional Development Fund – 36.4% of respondents have heard about it. Almost one third (30.4%) of respondents has heard about the aid from the European Social Fund. The most unpopular are the Cohesion Fund (recognised by 12.1% of respondents) and European Fisheries Fund (8.2%).

The most popular information channel to get acquainted with the EU funds is the television; 82.2% of poll participants have heard about the EU funds through the TV. The second popular information channel is radio; notably fewer respondents – 30.7% – have become informed about the EU funds through the radio. Approximately one fourth part of the poll participants got the information about the funds on the internet, as well as through national newspapers. Besides, more than a half (53.8%) are satisfied with the available information and they say that the information satisfies their needs.

4.8% of respondents have their own experience with the implementation of the EU funds co-financed projects, but 8.7% are determined to submit project applications to receive the EU funding.

In February, 2010, the study was ordered by the Ministry of Finance as the EU funds Managing Authority from SIA “Latvijas Fakti”. Public opinion polls on the awareness of Latvian citizens of the EU funds acquisition are carried out since 2004 at the request of the EU funds Managing Authority. Detailed descriptions of all opinion results are available of the home page of the EU funds

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