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The majority of Latvian residents acknowledge that road safety can be improved through responsible behavior by following traffic regulations

The majority of Latvian residents acknowledge that road safety can be improved through responsible behavior by following traffic regulations

Ministry of Transport

A survey conducted by the Ministry of Transport (MoT) in August on the prerequisites for improving road safety revealed that 63% of residents believe that each individual must take responsibility for his/her actions, i.e., by following traffic regulations to prevent accidents and improve road safety. Similarly, young respondents (aged 18-29) also consider compliance with traffic rules as the most important condition for safe road traffic (58%).

Similarly, almost half of the surveyed residents (43%) are convinced of the need for stricter enforcement of violations. The importance of educational and informational campaigns was highlighted by 39% of respondents. A considerably smaller number of respondents support the need for higher penalties (23%) and public involvement (22%).

“The survey shows that we understand our responsibility and recognize that it our behavior, by following traffic regulations, can improve road safety. It is encouraging that young people are aware of this as well. At the same time, statistical data shows that failure to comply with traffic rules, including speeding, is the cause of serious road traffic accidents. Hopefully, our understanding of personal responsibility will lead to responsible actions, changing our habits, which, in turn, will improve road safety,” commented Kaspars Briskens, the Minister of Transport.

The opinions of Latvian residents regarding aspects of road safety improvement vary across different regions. The highest number of people who consider that all road users should be responsible and follow traffic regulations are in Latgale (75%) and Riga (67%). Stricter enforcement of violations is most supported by residents in Zemgale (51%) and Vidzeme (45%). Residents in Zemgale are also more convinced than those in other regions about the need for higher penalties (37%). Meanwhile, the importance of educational and informational campaigns is most recognized by residents in the Pierīga region (44%) and Riga (39%).

With the aim to promote young people's understanding of sustainable mobility – safe, environmentally friendly, and convenient transportation, the Ministry of Transport participated in the sports and youth festival “Artisoks,” held on August 3 in Daugavpils, and the youth opportunity festival “Kopums,” held on August 12 in Līvāni, with the “Sustainable Mobility Stop” program. Surveys conducted during these events showed that young people understand their responsibility and consider following traffic regulations as the most important condition for safer roads (39% of responses). Additionally, 21% of young people indicated stricter enforcement of violation as a key factor for improving road safety. Educational campaigns (15%) and increasing penalties (14%) were also acknowledged as equally important factors by the youth.

Participation at the youth festivals and the surveys were carried out with the co-financing of European Union funds, with 221 young people taking part in the surveys.

The survey conducted by the company "Norstat" involved 1010 respondents in Latvia.

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