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The MoF satisfied with international success of “Eirobusins” (Euro Bus)

The MoF satisfied with international success of “Eirobusins” (Euro Bus)

On October 19, in Brussels, the European Parliament’s Prize for Journalism 2011 was awarded. In the television category the broadcast “Eirobusins” (Euro Bus) of the Latvian Television was among the best three.

Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance on European Union (EU) Funds Issues Aleksandrs Antonovs expresses his satisfaction: “In 2005, when we launched cooperation with the Latvian Television on the development of an informative and educational broadcast about EU funds, our goal was to provide Latvian society through the most trustful media – television – with the broadest possible information about the most topical EU funds activities, reflect on the EU funds acquisition process with examples of implemented projects and practical benefits to the society. It seems that the key to success of the broadcast is the dynamic and at the same time simple way it reflects on the most important contributions to the economic sectors that are important to the Latvian society.”

Ratings show how popular the broadcast is: within three months “Eirobusins” is watched by more than half-million citizens. According to public polls, the television is the most frequently used source of information about EU funds, because the television is used by 82% of Latvian citizens, followed by the radio (30% of Latvian citizens), internet and national press (25% of Latvian citizens) and regional press (22% of Latvian citizens).   

This was the fourth European Parliament’s annual prize for excellence in journalism. The prize goes to journalists who have covered major European issues or promoted a better understanding of EU institutions and policies. The prize is awarded in four categories (press category, radio, television category and internet) and it is traditionally awarded by President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek.

Information prepared by:
Agnese Beļkeviča
MoF Communication Division
Phone 67083938


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