The EEA and Norway Grants

Eiropas Ekonomikas zonas (EEZ) un Norvēģijas grantu logo

EEA and Norway Grants are financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (donor countries).

The grants have two objectives:

  1. To contribute to a more equal Europe, both socially and economically;

  2. To strengthen relations between Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and the 15 European beneficiary countries - Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.


The implementation of the grant projects will run until 30 April 2024. The grant available for Latvia is €102.1 million.

Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance is the managing authority for the EEA and Norway Grants. Its task is to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants in Latvia and the overall management and monitoring of the programmes approved by the donor countries.

Find out more about the grants, calls for proposals and projects implemented here:;