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A project has been launched to acquire drones for the State Border Guard and FRONTEX

A project has been launched to acquire drones for the State Border Guard and FRONTEX

Ministry of the Interior

A project has been launched to acquire drones for the State Border Guard and European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX).

The implementation of the project will enhance the State Border Guard's detection, control, and response capabilities at the European Union's external border – to quickly and promptly prevent existing and potential security threats and provocations, including ensuring control of illegal migration at the EU's external border and, if necessary, providing support to other EU member states within the framework of FRONTEX cooperation by sending unmanned aerial vehicle systems and trained personnel to crisis-affected regions.

With the help of the project, the State Border Guard will significantly strengthen its operational and technical capabilities to organize flexible surveillance and response measures, as well as a progressive approach to integrated border management in accordance with EU requirements.

The project will contribute to the implementation of the EU security strategy and protect fundamental rights and European values.

The project is being implemented by the State Border Guard within the framework of the Financial Instrument for Border Management and Visa Policy 2021-2027, the managing authority in Latvia being the Ministry of the Interior.

The total cost of the project is EUR 2,256,000, including EUR 1,692,000 from the Financial Instrument for Border Management and Visa Policy 2021-2027, while the state budget co-financing is EUR 564,000.

The project is planned to be implemented by 31 October 2025.

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