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Approval of the

Approval of the "PROTI un DARI!" project continuation of the project for youth participation in the labour market

Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the rules developed by the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) to provide support to young people who are not engaged in employment, education or training and are not registered as unemployed with the State Employment Agency (SEA). The aim of the support is to develop young people's skills and promote their participation in education, including apprenticeship with a master craftsman, and employment. The project is supported by the European Union.

The project "PROTI un DARI!" project addresses, motivates and counsels NEET (not in education, employment and training) young people aged 15-29 outside the education system and the labour market. Depending on the situation, participants are involved in an individual support programme, referred to the Youth Guarantee project of the Youth International Programme Agency (YIPA) or to activities implemented by the PES, formal education or apprenticeship with a master craftsman. Immediate employment is also possible if the young person is ready to engage immediately. Project participants are also supported by a mentor and a programme manager, expert advice, non-formal training and familiarisation with the specifics of the profession in the enterprises.

For the 2021-2027 Structural Funds programming period, it is planned to focus support on the NEET target group with addictions, disabilities, low educational attainment and disadvantaged young people. Unlike in the previous period, participants will now also be provided with post-programme mentoring, which includes support for adaptation in an educational institution or workplace after the implementation of the individual action programme.

The "PROTI un DARI!" project has supported more than five thousand people since 2014. Last year, there were 30,500 NEET young people of the right age in Latvia, some of whom are unrealised labour force. By contributing to their reintegration into society, it is possible to reduce social risks and the associated public and municipal expenditure. According to the Education Development Guidelines "Skills for the Future Society", one of the key objectives is to reduce the share of this group to 5% of the total number of young people in Latvia by 2027.

The total funding available to the Youth International Programme Agency for the implementation of the project over the next five years is EUR 6 525 000, including European Social Fund Plus funds of 85% of the total amount and state budget co-financing of 15% of the total amount. During this period, the project will involve 2 250 young people. According to the cost-benefit analysis carried out for the project, each euro invested in the project will yield a return of €8.29.

Cabinet of Ministers' Regulation "European Union Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027, Specific Support Objective 4.2.3 "Promote equal access to and participation in quality and inclusive education and training, in particular for disadvantaged groups, from pre-school education and care and in general and vocational education and training through to higher education and adult education and training, including promoting learning mobility for all and facilitating accessibility for persons with disabilities" 4. The "Rules for the implementation of measure 2.3.4 "Promoting the integration of NEET young people into education and employment"" are available on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

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