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Approved European Union financing programme for the security of Latvia's external border and for the modernization of the visa system

Approved European Union financing programme for the security of Latvia's external border and for the modernization of the visa system

Ministry of the Interior

On 15 November 2022, the European Commission approved the national programme of the Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI) submitted by the Ministry of the Interior for the period 2021-2027, amounting to EUR 123.5 million.

The aim of the planning period 2021-2027 is to create a strong and modern security of Latvia's external border, thereby helping to ensure a high level of internal security in the European Union. It is also planned to modernize the common visa policy with a view to facilitating legal travel and addressing migration and security risks.

The precarious situation in third countries and the provocation inherent in their hybrid war on Latvia's external borders require significant action to modernize the border by implementing integrated and border management adapted to the challenges of the 21 st century, including by introducing new digital security solutions for Latvian security. Support for the security of the external border and the modernization of the visa system is particularly important for Latvia, both for the European Union and for the border country of the Schengen area.

Within the framework of BMVI, border surveillance is intended to establish a system of sensors, video surveillance cameras, data transmission networks and computer programs that will ensure the identification of continuous events and online border controls of authorities responsible for addressing national threats. Particular emphasis is devoted to the strengthening of the Latvia-Belorussia border in the framework of the 2021-2027 programming period.

Strengthening and modernizing the security of Latvia's external border and the common visa policy will reduce risks to illegal activities on Latvia's external border.

The technological surveillance tools currently used on the external borders of Latvia, NATO, the European Union and the European Economic Area are not sufficient to ensure effective crisis response capabilities. It is essential that all Member States of the European Union apply modern technological means to surveillance of the external border.

The Ministry of Interior is the managing authority for the BMVI planning period 2021-2027.

EUR 123 556 749.98 in total are available to Latvia during the BMVI programming period 2021-2027, of which European Union co-financing is EUR 94 083 305 and a national co-financing is EUR 29 473 444.98.

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