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Calls for participation in the children's drawing contest “The European Union's contribution to your security!”

Calls for participation in the children's drawing contest “The European Union's contribution to your security!”

Ministry of the Interior

The Ministry of Interior, in cooperation with the European Commission's representation in Latvia and the European Union's home, shall launch a children's drawing contest from 17 October to 21 November entitled “The European Union's contribution to your security!”

The competition calls for children of age (5 - 7 years) and pupils of classes 1 - 9 to participate. The aim of the competition is to promote children's awareness of safety issues while living in Latvia and the European Union, as well as the European Union's financial contribution to strengthening Latvia's internal security. The winners of the award will receive toys, games and souvenirs according to the age group.

Ministry of Interior Secretary Mr. Dimitrijs Trofimovs: “It is important that every one of us is aware and emotionally attached to our country. We've been teaching this to our children from childhood. Also, preschool and school-age children have their own unique view of safety in the environment and the world in which they live. This competition will help us better understand, in a creative way, how children feel and appreciate what is happening, how they perceive issues related to security and belonging to Latvia and the European Union. At the same time, by proposing specific themes of the drawing contest, we are educating children, as well as their parents and educators, on internal security topics and encouraging them to think about the daily safety of our Latvia and Europe as such."

Ms. Zane Petre, Head of Mission of the European Commission in Latvia: “Security in our daily lives plays a key role - how safe we feel at home, in our city, country and Europe, at a time when the world has been rocked by Russia's attack on Ukraine, its peaceful population, which has led many to go also in the course of refugees. This made it clear to us that democracy needs to be safeguarded closely, it is not self-evident, it must be joined by everyone of us. Only that will we be able to continue to live in safety in Latvia and Europe. I think this creative task will also encourage children and pupils to consider how to proceed more safely, which is the things and processes that make our lives safe."

Drawings may be submitted up to 21 November personally at the Ministry of Interior, working days from 8:00 until 20:00 or the European Union house, 1 st floor at the Information Centre on Aspasia Boulevard 28, Riga, working days from 10:00 a.m. 18:00, as well as by post, addressing them to the Department of Foreign Investment Development and Monitoring of the Ministry of the Interior, Ciekurkalna 1. Line 1, k-2, Riga, LV-1026.

In their drawings, the contestants are invited to visualise what the word “safety” means to them, how safe they feel in the environment they think about safety in their own country, Europe and the world. Parents and educators of children are invited to discuss with children the idea of how Latvia, together with the European Union, strengthens internal security (including by guarding its border, providing asylum to refugees, when necessary, comply with rules and laws). The tender works must comply conceptually with one of the following topics:

  • security of borders of the European Union and Latvia (e.g. security on Latvia's border with other countries, security at the airport, security in the Baltic Sea, professional dogs and border guards;

  • combating crime in Latvia and the European Union (e.g. police work, cooperation with other European Union police officers, secure digital environment);

  • asylum, migration and integration (e.g. humanitarian aid and support for Ukrainian refugees in Latvia and the European Union).

The works will be evaluated by representatives of the Ministry of Interior and the European Commission's representation in Latvia.

The contestants will be evaluated and awarded in 3 groups:

  • children of preprimary age (5-7 years);

  • pupils in classes 1 to 4;

  • pupils studying classes 5-9.

The award of the winners of the competition is planned in Riga on 2 December of this year, in person, in the event of the European Union's contribution to the strengthening of Latvia's internal affairs sector. The event is intended to display the works selected by the competition commission (drawings sent electronically are therefore not accepted).

The competition documents can be found on the home page of the Ministry of Interior,, under EU and funds:

Ideas for initiative and work: (26 page)

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