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Additional funding of €28.3 million has been allocated by the European Commission for the implementation of the project “Automated border surveillance infrastructure”

Additional funding of €28.3 million has been allocated by the European Commission for the implementation of the project “Automated border surveillance infrastructure”

Ministry of the Interior

The European Commission has allocated additional funding of €28.3 million for the implementation of the project “Automated border surveillance infrastructure” (VRS/RPVP/2023/3).

Implementation of the project will allow construction of a technologically state-of-the-art Latvia-Belarus land border of 172.9 km, which will fully ensure continuous guarding of the external land border at the relevant stages, minimize the threat of hybrid attacks, as well as ensure the ability to respond in real time to criminal offences related to illegal crossing of the state border.

“We are safeguarding the border in the interests of all EU Member States. External border of Latvia is not only the external border of the EU, but also of the NATO, “emphasizes the General Mr. Guntis Pujāts, the Chief of the State Border Guard.

The project is implemented by the State Border Guard in co-operation with the Latvia State Radio and Television Center and the State Provision Agency within the framework of the Border Management and Visa Instrument (2021-27), the managing authority of which in Latvia is the Ministry of the Interior.

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