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Government approved EU fund strategic documents 2007-2013 for development of human resources, infrastructure and services

Government approved EU fund strategic documents 2007-2013 for development of human resources, infrastructure and services

On October 9, government approved EU fund planning document 2007-2013 - operational programme "Human Resources and Employment" (ESF) and operational programme "Infrastructure and Services" (CF/ERDF). Documents were concretized during discussions with European Commission. Now discussions between European Commission and Latvia are finalized, thus it is planned that both operational programs will be submitted to European Commission till October 11, 2007. 

Operational programme "Human Resources and Employment", the ESF financing of which makes 0.5 billion euro, foresees to channel 46% of total financing for support of education and science, 41% for activities related to employment and social integration, 10% for strengthening of administrative capacity or increase in capacity of EU fund administration institutions, but 3% for implementation of operational program or so called technical support.  

3.2 billion euro worth operational program „Infrastructure and Services" financed from ERDF and CF foresees big financing for large-scale infrastructure projects, for instance repair and construction of state main roads, arrangement of railway and water handling facilities, power industry activities. Part of financing under this operational program is planned to be channelled for small-scale infrastructure projects – arrangement of 1 class roads and local government streets, water handling facility projects, heat insulation of buildings, tourism and cultural objects. Financing is also allocated for support of education and social infrastructure and implementation of operational program.    

It is planned that European Commission could accept the operational programs within two month after they will be submitted to EC – till January, 2008. Details on operational programs can be viewed at

It was already announced that on September 25, Commissioner for Regional Policy Danuta Hübner and Minister for Special Assignments for Administration of European Union Funds Normunds Broks signed a 4.53 billion euro „worth” Latvian National Strategy for Acquiring of EU Funds 2007-2013 – Latvian National Strategic Reference Framework and the first of three operational programs „Entrepreneurship and Innovation” which determines directions of EU fund support for entrepreneurship in the new EU fund acquisition period.        

Lita Kokale
Ministry of Finance
EU Funds Department
PR Division
Phone: +371 67083880; +371 2 6469946

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