The Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) program- an evidence-based, broad multisystemic family program - is being implemented with notable success in several countries around the world. It is intended for young people who use addictive substances, young people with mental health disorders, as well as those young people who are at high risk of long-term use of addictive substances, behavioral disorders, and young people who have been observed to be at risk of committing offenses.
The main goals of the MDFT program are to prevent the abuse of addictive substances, violations of the law and to promote the improvement of mental health and the improvement of relationships in the family and school environment.
ESF project "Integration of ex-prisoners into society and the labor market", a study was conducted on the social status and integration of prisoners and their families in society in Latvia. The purpose of the study was to evaluate various measures taken in prisons aimed at strengthening family ties between prisoners and their families. The central question in the research was to find out whether face-to-face meetings of family and relatives and other events for loved ones together with the prisoner are able to increase the prisoner's motivation to build a family-oriented life and improve the prisoner's psychological state.
As a result of the research, it is recommended to pay attention to full-value parent-child communication and strengthening of relations. Thus, using the MDFT approach and including the family as a whole, it is possible to achieve a positive impact on recidivism through the resocialization process. After the conducted research, it was concluded that the MDFT program improves the problem-solving and decision-making skills of young people, as well as improves family functioning, which is an essential component in the positive development of young people.
The program is also implemented in our two neighboring countries - Estonia and Lithuania. Colleagues who work with it have been visited by representatives of the ESF project "Integration of ex-prisoners into the labor market and society" implemented by the Prison Administration.
To discuss the possibilities of implementing this program in Latvia, on September 20, representatives of the Ministry of Welfare and Justice, as well as representatives of the European Social Fund Project of the Prison Administration and the State Probation Service met at the Ministry of Justice.
The information was prepared by: Arita Pecaka, public relations specialist for EU funds at the Projects Department of the Ministry of Justice, European Union Funds Department Phone: 67036837 E-mail: