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Eiropas Savienības karogs

Market research for the performance of an evaluation of the contribution of Asylum, Migration and integration Fund projects to the achievement of the Fund objective and the promotion of social cohesion

The Ministry of Culture shall carry out a market investigation regarding the performance of an evaluation regarding the project supported within the scope of the activities implemented by the Asylum, Migration and integration Fund within the framework of the planning period 2014-2020 in achieving the objective of the investment fund and promoting social cohesion in the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2021.

Subject-matter of the contract: Performance of an evaluation regarding the project supported within the scope of the activities implemented by the Asylum, Migration and integration Fund within the framework of the planning period 2014-2020 in achieving the objective of the investment fund and promoting social cohesion in the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2021 in accordance with the requirements of the market research regulations.

Market research rules

The tender shall be prepared in accordance with the market research regulations and submitted by 20 July 2022 by electronic means to: and

We inform that the market survey is informative and it is not a procurement procedure within the meaning of the public Procurement Law, therefore does not give the service provider the rights guaranteed by law, as well as does not oblige the commissioning party to contract with any of the suppliers.

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