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Significant fire and civil protection projects will be implemented with the support of the European Regional Development Fund

Significant fire and civil protection projects will be implemented with the support of the European Regional Development Fund

Ministry of the Interior

On 20 February 2024, the Government adopted a decision which will allow the implementation of the following significant fire and civil protection projects:

  • First round of construction of the complex of the professional education institution of the College of fire Safety and Civil Protection, within the framework of which the most significant activity will be construction of a new building in Riga, Krustpils Street 10, in order to ensure modern and efficient training for fire rescue workers;

  • Construction of the fire-fighting logistics and repair base complex, where the most important activities will be construction of the building for maintenance and repair of vehicles of the State Fire and Rescue Service, as well as renovation of the fire-fighting depot (Unit 8 of the Riga Region Administration of the State Fire and Rescue Service);

  • Development of safety classes, within the framework of which five stationary and five mobile training classes will be established for educating the public regarding fire safety and civil protection issues.

Implementation of the projects will ensure more efficient and up-to-date training of fire rescuers, rapid and high quality maintenance and repair of the State Fire and Rescue Service machinery, as well as increase public awareness regarding fire safety and civil protection issues.

A total of EUR 51 258 053 is foreseen for projects, 85% of which will be covered by the European Regional Development Fund and 15% of the State budget.

Latvia is implementing an effective disaster management policy developed gradually starting in 2018. The initiative was led by the Ministry of the Interior, launching the Structural Reform Support Programme's project “improving the efficiency of institutions of the Interior sector in Latvia”. Within the framework of this project, recommendations were developed in order to ensure a sustainable and competitive model of public administration in the internal affairs sector, including by strengthening preparedness and disaster response capacities.

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