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With the support of EU funds, the response capacity of the State Police Counter-Terrorism Unit OMEGA will be strengthened.

With the support of EU funds, the response capacity of the State Police Counter-Terrorism Unit OMEGA will be strengthened.

Ministry of the Interior

To improve the response capacity of the State Police Counter-Terrorism Unit OMEGA, on July 4, 2024, the State Police and the Ministry of the Interior concluded a grant agreement for the implementation of the project No. VP/IDF/2024/3 "Strengthening the response capacity of the Counter-Terrorism Unit (Stage 1)" of the European Union Internal Security Fund 2021-2027.

Project implementation will begin on August 1, 2024, and during the project it is planned to improve the response capacity and practical skills of the State Police Counter-Terrorism Unit OMEGA by strengthening and improving the material and technical base, human resource readiness and human resource development, renewal and succession in priority areas.

The project also aims to improve OMEGA's professional growth in the context of high-quality and modern material and technical support. This will promote the sustainable development of OMEGA in order to fully and effectively fulfill its core tasks and integrate into the European Union's counter-terrorism unit association "ATLAS".

The project is being implemented within the framework of the Internal Security Fund 2021-2027 planning period, for which the managing institution in Latvia is the Ministry of the Interior.

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